Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving...
So I completely forgot that it was Thanksgiving until some people mailed me with their kind wishes... I celebrated in style anyways for a holiday that slipped my mind. I had a holiday on Monday and I also had a friend visiting so I made my way into Tokyo for what turned out to be the funnest weekend I have had in Japan. Everything just worked out extremely well. It was a real entertaining couple of days hanging with my boys in the Yo, and having Alex visiting from Korea. Alex came and visited me on Wednesday night and we just went and grabbed some sushi and got caught up on life in Korea since my departure. I was fully expecting to hit the bottle full on upon his arrival but a new diagnosed Alcohol Alergy put the choke hold on those plans. He stay until Friday with my lady friend showing him around on Thursday and myself taking him on a scenic road trip to get my multiple re-entry visa. Here are some photos from our adventures... There are plenty more on his camera as well as my boy Daves but this is from my collection.
I am sure these shops exist all over the world but this one and its contents are Tokyo sized...

On Sunday night I made plans to hang out with Kimberley. She is the girl that I took over for when I arrived. Beside her is her husband and on my right is one of my boy Dave's friends who was kind enough to hang out with us all weekend. This was a dive of a bar but the party was hosted by a minor celebrity. His name is Gyo-zo, and he is famous enough that one of my friends freaked out a little and demanded to see the T-Shirt he gave me after I mentioned it. He is a member of a group called the Tokyo Shock Boys and people seem to know who they are, even if I had never heard of them before in my life!

These are two ladies that go by the name DJ Cherries... Believe me its definately cherrIES... I made the mistake of saying Cherry and they were like, "Seriooously, can't you even count?"
I missed their set because it started at 4 and I was pretty wiped by that point. The safety pins I had inserted to keep my eyes open slipped out.

On Monday morning, who am I kidding afternoon, it was a long weekend so I stuck around Tokyo and went to the Aquarium with Dave and his girlfriend, it would have been a fantastic date but Dave insisted on coming along!!! Here Dave and I are chilling waiting for the Dolphin show to start. It was a cool show and it was the first one I can remember seeing. I am sure as a child I was taken to more than one!

Two semi-famous comedians. I have no idea who is famous in Japan because the language is a little lost on me. They were funny enough and so I was happy to hang out with them. They can't be too famous cause I was leaching for a free drink that never came... Althougth while out on the dance floor grooving away I was suddenly launched on the shoulders of the bigger guy who started strutting his stuff. That was fun, and I felt like a true rock star! It was even funnier when a fan of his, the skinniest little dude I have ever seen in my life returned the favour for him... Poor little fella, squashed like an ant! He was trying to one-up me because I picked the guy up in the basket hold and twirled him around a little.

Tokyo Tower, Alex and I made our way to the top and the view did not disappoint. The view of Tokyo never does... Its a city thats way cooler than Korea in that regard because the landscape actually changes. In Korea looking out you simply see cookie cutter appartment buildings as far as your eye can see, which is a sight in itself. Tokyo looks much cooler though. Mostly cause there is a ferris wheel that changes colours...

This guy bites... In an effort to get all that I could out of Tokyo I made my way to the National Science museum. I was actually really impressed with myself considering we had, minus Alex and the allergy, closed down the bar that morning at 8 am... I met with Alex and we went to this museum which was pretty interesting. The park outside was equally cool, there were tons of people strolling around and so people watching was at its best!

Alex and I at the top of the Tower. I am not ever sure where we are, but the top of the Tower sounds best I think. He's copied my long hair... And the highlights... I have to teach this guy everything!

This is actually a real live Japanese girl... Seriously, some girls over here are soo skinny I want to walk around with Big Macs and force them to eat the whole thing before letting them continue along on their way. Rice is a carb, who would have thought in the land of rice, skinny people are ranpant...

There is soooo much more to write about and even more photos to post. I will get to it in the next couple of days. The all night party at the biggest club in Asia, eating at the jail, just strolling around and checking out the parasites (easily the worst abuse of a museum title in the history of mankind!)... All in due time!
AMY, thanks for the comment, keep em coming!
I am sure these shops exist all over the world but this one and its contents are Tokyo sized...

On Sunday night I made plans to hang out with Kimberley. She is the girl that I took over for when I arrived. Beside her is her husband and on my right is one of my boy Dave's friends who was kind enough to hang out with us all weekend. This was a dive of a bar but the party was hosted by a minor celebrity. His name is Gyo-zo, and he is famous enough that one of my friends freaked out a little and demanded to see the T-Shirt he gave me after I mentioned it. He is a member of a group called the Tokyo Shock Boys and people seem to know who they are, even if I had never heard of them before in my life!

These are two ladies that go by the name DJ Cherries... Believe me its definately cherrIES... I made the mistake of saying Cherry and they were like, "Seriooously, can't you even count?"
I missed their set because it started at 4 and I was pretty wiped by that point. The safety pins I had inserted to keep my eyes open slipped out.

On Monday morning, who am I kidding afternoon, it was a long weekend so I stuck around Tokyo and went to the Aquarium with Dave and his girlfriend, it would have been a fantastic date but Dave insisted on coming along!!! Here Dave and I are chilling waiting for the Dolphin show to start. It was a cool show and it was the first one I can remember seeing. I am sure as a child I was taken to more than one!

Two semi-famous comedians. I have no idea who is famous in Japan because the language is a little lost on me. They were funny enough and so I was happy to hang out with them. They can't be too famous cause I was leaching for a free drink that never came... Althougth while out on the dance floor grooving away I was suddenly launched on the shoulders of the bigger guy who started strutting his stuff. That was fun, and I felt like a true rock star! It was even funnier when a fan of his, the skinniest little dude I have ever seen in my life returned the favour for him... Poor little fella, squashed like an ant! He was trying to one-up me because I picked the guy up in the basket hold and twirled him around a little.

Tokyo Tower, Alex and I made our way to the top and the view did not disappoint. The view of Tokyo never does... Its a city thats way cooler than Korea in that regard because the landscape actually changes. In Korea looking out you simply see cookie cutter appartment buildings as far as your eye can see, which is a sight in itself. Tokyo looks much cooler though. Mostly cause there is a ferris wheel that changes colours...

This guy bites... In an effort to get all that I could out of Tokyo I made my way to the National Science museum. I was actually really impressed with myself considering we had, minus Alex and the allergy, closed down the bar that morning at 8 am... I met with Alex and we went to this museum which was pretty interesting. The park outside was equally cool, there were tons of people strolling around and so people watching was at its best!

Alex and I at the top of the Tower. I am not ever sure where we are, but the top of the Tower sounds best I think. He's copied my long hair... And the highlights... I have to teach this guy everything!

This is actually a real live Japanese girl... Seriously, some girls over here are soo skinny I want to walk around with Big Macs and force them to eat the whole thing before letting them continue along on their way. Rice is a carb, who would have thought in the land of rice, skinny people are ranpant...

There is soooo much more to write about and even more photos to post. I will get to it in the next couple of days. The all night party at the biggest club in Asia, eating at the jail, just strolling around and checking out the parasites (easily the worst abuse of a museum title in the history of mankind!)... All in due time!
AMY, thanks for the comment, keep em coming!
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Fantastic pics! I'm glad to hear that things are going better for you in Onahama. It can get pretty boring at times and I think that is how I ended up at Karate 4-5 times a week. Karate Gambatte Richardo! Talk to ya soon and the next time you are talking to Kimberley and Taka please tell them I said hello. Cheers!
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