Monday, November 13, 2006
Here are some random photos that I have been too lazy to post in the past little while. I hardly take any photos because my camera is too much of a headache. It eats through batteries like a fat man coming off a diet and I can not be bothered taking it anywhere even with charged batteries because they next last more than a photo!!!
Here is Rin, a student of mine. She is 4 years old and definately a little more on the cute side than most! I hang out with her mom Noriko often which is great!
Kae and I went to a famous lake in Fukishima two weekends ago. A weekend retreat organized by her turned into a one day drive to the lake. It was nice but the scenery in Canada in the Fall definately beats anything I have seen in Japan. I am surrounded by Mountains but there are is not enough tree variety. Most of the trees are still green with the occasional red thrown in just to prove that it is actually fall! Here Kae and I are making attempts at looking like a cute couple... Its hard when I am obviously in great need of a haircut!

Scenic shots of the lake... I liked the hike. We walked around almost all day and then we wanted to cap it all off by watching the sunset. We missed it because we couldn't find the lookout point. All attempts at romance were shattered that day. I forgot the corkscrew for the wine I didn't bring...

The water colour was pretty cool. In one of the lakes you could rent a boat and paddle around for a while. Kae was up for it but I think that was because she was thinking I would do most of the paddling. Once I informed her of my lazy intentions she changed her mind.

Halloween at the International Kindergarten. Some of the costumes were really impressive. I liked my co-worker Yuki's costume. She was Donald Duck, in the back ground on the right, she made the costume herself which was really impressive. Almost all the Japanese ladies I work with made their own costumes... Kinda makes me wish I had paid attention in sewing class.

She looks cute when dressed up at a chipmonk... but when the costume comes off, all hell breaks loose! Naoki, dressed as Peter Pan, spent most of the day crying at his mothers side. It's really strange this year there are very few criers in class. When their mothers are around though they cry like I have been beating them for months and finally someone has arrived to save them, if they scream loud enough!

Lunch time in pre-class. I really enjoy teaching this class. It is mostly because I spend the most time with them. Each day I am in class for about an hour and the kids are all so cute and innocent. Even the ones I am not so fond of have a way of growing on me like a fungus!

Kanako's husband is in the white. This race was not real, if it were Kana and Taiga would not have been allowed at the track. Why Taiga is banned, I have no idea since he's only 4!!! Yoshi won the "race". I think every let him win because he was in front of his hometown crowd.

Two reasons why I love the races!!!

Doing my best to race against noone. I ended up being the fastest man all day reaching a top speed of 70 kilometers per hour. I briefly considered a racing career before being informed that the top speed the riders reach is 80... however they sustain that speed for extended time periods. I fell off the bike after reaching 70 for maybe a milli-second! My legs were sore the next day and my bike dreams were shattered.

Here is Rin, a student of mine. She is 4 years old and definately a little more on the cute side than most! I hang out with her mom Noriko often which is great!

Scenic shots of the lake... I liked the hike. We walked around almost all day and then we wanted to cap it all off by watching the sunset. We missed it because we couldn't find the lookout point. All attempts at romance were shattered that day. I forgot the corkscrew for the wine I didn't bring...

The water colour was pretty cool. In one of the lakes you could rent a boat and paddle around for a while. Kae was up for it but I think that was because she was thinking I would do most of the paddling. Once I informed her of my lazy intentions she changed her mind.

Halloween at the International Kindergarten. Some of the costumes were really impressive. I liked my co-worker Yuki's costume. She was Donald Duck, in the back ground on the right, she made the costume herself which was really impressive. Almost all the Japanese ladies I work with made their own costumes... Kinda makes me wish I had paid attention in sewing class.

She looks cute when dressed up at a chipmonk... but when the costume comes off, all hell breaks loose! Naoki, dressed as Peter Pan, spent most of the day crying at his mothers side. It's really strange this year there are very few criers in class. When their mothers are around though they cry like I have been beating them for months and finally someone has arrived to save them, if they scream loud enough!

Lunch time in pre-class. I really enjoy teaching this class. It is mostly because I spend the most time with them. Each day I am in class for about an hour and the kids are all so cute and innocent. Even the ones I am not so fond of have a way of growing on me like a fungus!

Kanako's husband is in the white. This race was not real, if it were Kana and Taiga would not have been allowed at the track. Why Taiga is banned, I have no idea since he's only 4!!! Yoshi won the "race". I think every let him win because he was in front of his hometown crowd.

Two reasons why I love the races!!!

Doing my best to race against noone. I ended up being the fastest man all day reaching a top speed of 70 kilometers per hour. I briefly considered a racing career before being informed that the top speed the riders reach is 80... however they sustain that speed for extended time periods. I fell off the bike after reaching 70 for maybe a milli-second! My legs were sore the next day and my bike dreams were shattered.