Monday, December 18, 2006


T'was the week before Christmas...

Time is flying by these days. I can not even believe that its only four more work days til my two week Christmas vacation. I am really looking forward to doing not much of anything. I got my hostel all booked up for Nagano and I can't wait to get my board wet!!!
I just tried to load up some more photos but its not working too well for me.
This past weekend was a gong show and a half for me. My boy U-Tan took off for Ireland on Friday so Thursday night we went out for a few pops. I bailed out early but I heard the festivities ended around 5... On Friday night I cooked dinner for my co-worker because it was her birthday last week. It was nice to just hang out and relax outside of work. Sadly she left me to get home to her husband... boohoo!
On Saturday it was my Kindergarten Christmas concert. I was not really feeling up for work that day because I was unable to sleep the night before. It turned out to be a great day though, my students looked great during their performance. It was really hilarious because some of them weren't doing much singing cause they were crying too hard. The parents all loved it though. Afterwards there was a pot luck lunch so I ate plenty.
Saturday the party got started soon after Karate. It was a year end party of sorts and it got messy real quick... I really like the team they are really kind and offer all sorts of encouragement. I found out that I actually fought really well at my test. I guess I am just a little over critical of myself. It even turns out that my hit that caused the damage was not late at all, it was a follow up to a front kick that knocked the wind right out of the guy and while his guard was down I socked him, THEN the fight ended. We went out for Nabe, which is essentially a stew but much better. It starts with a pot of boiling water and then all sorts of great food is added, veggies, chicken, beef, and some pork. There was also plenty of beer flowing. After dinner we went out to another bar in town that turned out to be holding a Christmas party... An all you can drink affair! So the booze started flowing much quicker. My nose was really stuffed so I could not taste and alcohol in my drinks and I made the mistake of asking for more gin... That was not my first nor last mistake that night. Kae came and picked me up but I was simply too drunk... I jumped out of the car at a stop light and Kae found me in a parking lot perhaps being a little sick?!?!? Its anybody's guess...
Sunday I woke up at 2 and wanted to keep sleeping. Kae and I tried to make our way to the movies at about 5 but I couldn't do it. I was still feeling a little under the weather but I had to shape up quick because I had plans to meet some co-workers at 8 for another round... This round got off to a great start. The fellas tried feeding me sake they thought I couldn't handle... Three rounds later their faces were beet red and I was lovin' every minute of it! I was introduced to a Japanese game involving excessive amounts of Tabasco sauce. Counting with 1,2, or 3 the object of the game is to avoid ending up on 30. Each time you count a number you put a dash of tabasco on a piece of food. The loser, the person who says 30, has to eat the piece of food loaded down with tabasco. Luckily I did not lose... I really enjoy hanging out with Japanese people because they can be quite entertaining after a couple of pops...
So here I am with just a few days left of work before vacation and they can not pass quickly enough. My patience is short these days even with students that I like. I know its time for a break! I hope you are all doing well and staying out of trouble!

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